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Student Support

Siembra recognizes opportunity in every student.We are dedicated to nurturing students on every level—academically, mentally, and physically. We understand that a well-rounded education is crucial for the holistic development of individuals.

What is Success Project?

Every student is supported by a dedicated Success Coach, their personal go-to-adult.

This unique approach ensures that each student receives individualized support tailored to their needs.

Whether it's reviewing transcripts, navigating the job search process, accessing resources, or maintaining a strong connection between family and the school, our Success Coaches are there every step of the way. 

By addressing academic, mental, and physical aspects, we strive to create an environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential.

The Role of our Social Workers

Our approach to student well-being goes beyond the conventional models.

In our commitment to holistic support, each grade level is assigned a dedicated Social Worker who plays a distinctive role in fostering a positive and nurturing environment.

Unlike traditional schools, where social work services might be limited, at Siembra, every student has access to the expertise and care of our Social Workers. These professionals are here not only to address challenges but to proactively enhance the overall social and emotional welfare of our students.